Are the odds in your favor?
Raffles are commonly used by nonprofit organizations as a [...]
What You Need to Know About New Overtime Rules
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a new [...]
Are your operating reserves enough?
Operating reserves - generally, assets without donor restrictions that [...]
Using technology to meet your nonprofit’s goals
In today’s technologically advanced world, data rules. But simply [...]
What’s the magic number? Some guidelines for determining your board’s size
Small boards Smaller boards allow for easier communication and [...]
Understanding internal controls
The median loss for nonprofits that fell victim to [...]
What nonprofits need to know about alternative investments
With today’s economic uncertainty, businesses, including nonprofit organizations, are [...]
Nonprofits: Do your due diligence before taking out a loan
Most Americans take out loans at some point in [...]
Crowdfunding comes with tax risks
Crowdfunding campaigns are designed to raise money for individuals [...]
What do you know about Form 990? Board review can benefit nonprofit governance.
Most board members know- or should know- that the [...]
Be prepared for IRS audits of COVID-19 ERC claims
ERC in a nutshell The ERC is a refundable [...]
How an energy-efficient building tax deduction could pay off for nonprofits
Tax break becomes permanent IRS Section 179D deduction for [...]